This cast on has great stretch and is wonderful where the fabric is expected to expand once off the machine.

Japanese machines do best to begin on waste yarns with the ribber weights in the waste. Needles must be set up so that they alternate for this cast on but that can be managed in ribs other than 1X1. For example, if 2X2 is correctly racked, the yarn path will make a short zigzag trip between 4 needles, then make a long step to the next 4. As long as a zig-zag path may be traced, the cast on will work to lock the initial row in so that stitches can knit properly. Sometimes it is necessary to experiment with stitch size and weights to get this cast-on just right. Passaps can manage this without weights if need be. Blue strippers are a help.

Knit a zig-zag row at the same stitch size as the knitting that will follow. Rack a full turn to the right. Knit 1 row. Rack a full turn to the left. Knit 1 row. Cast on is complete. If extra racking was required to get the zig-zag row correctly positioned, rack back to the proper knitting position after finishing the cast on.

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