Half fisherman's rib is a thick, soft, flexible fabric. It doesn’t roll and both sides are attractive. The body of the pocket scarf pictured above is half fisherman's rib. The fabric blends nicely with cables. See illustrations and video links below.
USING A DOUBLE BOARD. Ideally, the board should be set up so that the pegs alternate rather than being directly across from one another. ROW 1: Wrap every peg, alternating between front and back boards. Knit over the front board but leave the wraps alone on the back. ROW 2: wrap in the same manner. Knit over the front board. Also knit the back board lifting 2 loops over one.repeat these two rows. If the loom cannot be offset so that the pegs alternate, you can still make half fisherman's rib using alternate pegs. In other words, only use pegs 1,3,5, etc on the back board and 2,4,6, etc on the front board. This is demonstrated in the no-purl purling movie linked below.
USING A SINGLE BOARD, EVEN IF IT'S CIRCULAR OR OVAL: ROW 1: wrap every peg but only knit over every other one. ROW 2: wrap and knit all the pegs that knitted on the previous row.on those pegs that now hold 2 loops, purl off both together.

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