Graph paper that is sized to match a stitch and row gauge exactly is a handy tool and a great "cheap trick". It can be used to chart a sweater design without any math at all. It may also be used to position a motif, experiment with fairisle looks, and chart intarsia patterns. Using such graph paper often advances our ability to visualize sweater parts. To work well, the paper must be very close to representing the true size of a stitch. Here are some common gauges of papers for you to experiment with. The link below will take to to a mediafire download page where you can retrieve them. There is a microsoft .doc version, and Open Office odt. version and an image version. Try to set your printer to print full size without scaling. You may need to adjust the margins to get this. Some printers will automatically get one version just right. Sometimes you have to experiment. Should you come up with tips or other graph papers you are willing to share, please get in touch. We'll expand this file as needed to include as many graph paper helps as we can assemble. Mediafire is a legitimate file-sharing service but its advertising will offer you other things. To be safe, ONLY click on the files you went for.