In general, it is best to begin double bed fabrics starting with either a circular [aka tubular] hem or rribbing. Tubular hem instructionsare on another page on this website. The sample has 29 stitches in work on each bed. The needle count must be a multiple of 4 plus 1.
With the hem complete, it is time to arrange the stitches and beds for the main fabric. Rack the beds so that the needles alternate again. Transfer stitches from front to back [ribber to main] bed so there are two end needles on the outer edges of the edges that have no stitches opposite them on the main bed. Thereafter, leave two on the main bed, transfer two to the back/main bed and repeat across the work. Some needles on the back/main bed will now hold two stitches. Knit one row from right to left at stockinette settings before beginning to count pattern rows.
Knitting is easy. Set the main/back bed to knit stockinette at all times and the front/ribber bed to tuck one direction and knit going the other direction. In your manual, these will be found in the fisherman’s rib or English rib settings instructions. They are summarized briefly in the chart. For many machines, we could actually reverse things and have the main bed do the tucking and knitting alternately. However, that would mean moving stitches around on the back bed which is harder to reach so I recommend making the front bed work the tucked rib. Make certain that the needles are racked to alternate. Work 8 rows with the pairs of needles on the front bed in work. Leave the stitches on the last pair of front bed needles at both edges in work but transfer all of those in between to the back bed. Place the needles that were emptied out of work. Knit 8 rows. Lift the needles that were recently emptied back to work. The needle arrangement should again be like the photoabove Repeat steps one and two over and over until the fabric is as long as you wish.
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