Heart Lace for Loom Knitters
This lace could be repeated across a larger fabric. There are 10 needles involved in the lace but cast on 14 so as to create an edge on each side.
The basic design is to slip stitch 1 in each row, purl stitch 2, knit 10, purl 1,knit 1. But after we begin transferring stitches,some of the center pegs will get slipped in some rows. Where multiple stitches or loops are on a single peg, knit all of them over the next time a row is knitted.
Row 1: slip 1, purl 1, knit 10, purl 1, knit 1. Now cross the stitches that are on pegs 7 & 8
Row 2: Slip 1, purl 1, Knit 10, purl 1, knit 1. Now lift the stitch on peg 6. Move the stitch from peg 7 to peg 6 and replace the original stitch on peg 6 which now holds 2 stitches while peg 7 is empty. Move the stitch on peg 8 to peg 9 in the same manner, first lifting the original stitch from 9, putting the stitch from 8 on 9 and replacing the original stitch on 9
Row 3: slip 1, purl 1, knit 4, slip the 2 empty pegs, knit 4, purl 1, knit 1. Work stitch transfers on pegs 5/6 and pegs 9/10 in the same way as on row 2. This should leave 4 center pegs empty.
Row 4: slip 1, purl 1, knit 3, slip 4, knit 3, purl 1, knit 1. Work transfers on pegs 4/5 and 10/11 using the established method.
Row 5: slip 1, purl 1, knit 2, slip 6, knit 2, purl 1, knit 1. Work transfers on 3/4 and 11/12 using the established method.
Row 5: slip 1, purl 1, knit 1, slip 8, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1.
Row 6: slip 1, purl 1, knit 1, e-wrap the 8 empty needles, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1. Lift the floats that were formed while center needles were being slipped and hang them on pegs 7 and 8. Hang the top float on 7, the next on 8 and keep alternating until all 5 have been hung.
Row 7: slip 1, purl 1, knit 10, purl 1, knit 1. When knitting the center 2 pegs with all of the floats hung, knit over ALL of the yarn loops.
Row 8: slip 1, purl 1, knit 10, purl 1, knit 1
Repeat these 8 rows up the work.
If you spot something that doesn't look quite right in the instructions, please don't struggle. Get in touch and I'll check it. Possibly I have worded something wrong and if so, of course I want to fix it.
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